If you were on a boat alone, adrift at sea, with all the items you loved and cherished and the boat began to sink what would you surrender to keep yourself afloat? You need to be rescued, you're no sailor, but in order to be rescued in a vast, deep sea what you need now is time. Time till your rescuer is in sight and can reel you in. Time till you can get in contact with someone who can help you. Time is going by and the boat is sinking and you ask yourself... what can I live without?
We live our lives in a stale rut. We move to the beat of our own drums but our drummers only know one tune. Sometimes its not what we are doing wrong but more like what we allow ourselves to dwell in. We keep around people we know bring us down. We keep indulging in destructive behaviors. It seems like our lives are stale because we aren't willing to give up the things that don't benefit us. We've become pack rats and hoarders with people, activities, items and everything else. Our lives are boring and all though we know it, we affirm what we're doing with the same old quotes such as "This is the real world" or "Life is hard". But life isn't hard, life is challenging. For one to have life all they need is air in they're lungs, food and water, and a pillow to sleep. It's those that can stand up to the challenge of keeping balance to all those in between each sleep that makes ones life interesting or uninteresting. It's those people that hold us back from what we want to do and it's those same people that influence you to believe that what they say is what you need to do. But nothing is needed besides a place to die. Though this may sound somber it's the only thing guaranteed. The question I asked in the beginning is the key to where your life will go next: what are you willing to sacrifice in order to keep yourself afloat? Allow me to be so bold as to say that most people wouldn't look at themselves in the mirror and see an imperfection and then move away from the mirror as if the flaw wasn't there... They'd fix it. So why do we live our lives being complacent with our imperfections? Rid yourself of them ... stop drowning and keep yourself afloat...
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