I've only loaned myself to life,
For the sins I bear,
I'll be the in the middle of this whirlwind,
And ride it like the sun,
For it's daily adventure.
Not caring when the moon temporarily takes it's place,
So whatever misfortunes come,
They'll all pass me by.
I know that the loan is temporary,
That death will soon overcome me,
And life is only a short dream,
Perchance my fortune will rise again,
And the downtrodden will see me and seek a smile,
Because for all the while they settle in misery,
Instead of making their strength perfect in this weakness.
But as the warmth of the sun hits my face,
I know I'm one day closer to the grave,
So the feelings that rise will quickly fall,
For a day is all the more special when it is recognizable,
An hour is all the more unique when your mind holds on to it,
And when we can't remember anymore and our mind fails us,
We grovel.
If we had only passed on the memories, we might have lived on in our spirits,
Now that memories have failed us and the torch is now blown out,
Our lives mean little more than what we do in them,
Though we may sit in the leaves of a history book,
The book may often burn,
The date may often be forgotten,
And the name may be confused with many others,
Because we are one of many,
Dreaming a dream of life,
Where the rise, rises high and the falls, fall low,
This is the life we hang on to,
The one with no certainty,
This is the life we kill for,
The life that will end anyway,
This is the life we fight for,
The life that was only loaned to begin with.
By: Shalain
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